Meteorites: A Petrologic, Chemical and Isotopic SynthesisCambridge University Press, 16/09/2004 - 506 من الصفحات Meteorite research is fundamental to our understanding of the origin and early history of the Solar System. This book considers the mechanism and timing of core formation and basaltic volcanism on asteroids, and the effects of heating water-rich bodies. Results from meteorite research are placed in a galactic setting, and a theory is proposed for the origin of the planets of our Solar System. This advanced yet succinct introduction provides a classification of meteorites, and discusses their ages and origin. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 29
الصفحة 1
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الصفحة 3
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الصفحة 89
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الصفحة 137
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الصفحة 152
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عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
chemistry and classification | 18 |
The components of chondrites | 53 |
carbonaceous chondrites | 96 |
Select bibliography | 125 |
Time in the evolution of chondrites | 152 |
Origin of chondrites and their components | 188 |
241 | |
Select bibliography | 275 |
iron and stony iron meteorites | 321 |
Parent body processes and petrogenetic associations | 364 |
a meteoriticists view | 420 |
Glossary | 443 |
478 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abundant Acta ages angrites aqueous alteration asteroidal aubrites basaltic breccias bulk Ca-poor pyroxene CAIs carbon carbonaceous chondrites chemical chon chondrite groups chondrite parent chondrule formation chondrules chromite classification clasts CM chondrites components composition condensation cooling rates core Cosmochim crystals diogenites enriched enstatite chondrites equilibrated eucrites Fe-rich feldspar formed forsterite fractionation fragments Geochim H chondrites heating high-temperature howardites igneous IIIAB irons inclusions interstellar iron meteorites kamacite liquid lithic lithophile elements lunar meteorites magma magnetite matrix melt mesosiderites Meteoritics Planet Mg/Si mineral mineralogic nebular olivine ordinary chondrites orthopyroxene oxidized oxygen isotopic ratios pallasites parent bodies petrologic type pigeonite plagioclase planetary polymict pre-solar grains pyroxene range rare regolith regolith breccias rims rocks shock siderophile silicate Solar System solids spinel stony iron taenite temperature terrestrial texture thermal metamorphism troilite ungrouped ureilites Wasson x-wind Zolensky zoned
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 467 - On changes in the intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic field, Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 6th.
الصفحة 471 - Characterisation of Q-gases and other noble gas components in the Murchison meteorite. Geochim. Cosmochim.
الصفحة 469 - Phyllosilicate veins in a CI meteorite: evidence for aqueous alteration on the parent body.
الصفحة 468 - J. t 1994) Mineralogy of new Antarctic achondrites with affinity to Lodran and a model of their evolution in an asteroid. Meteoritics 29.
الصفحة 470 - The IAB iron-meteorite complex: a group. five subgroups. numerous grouplets. closely related. mainly formed by crystal segregation in rapidly cooling melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Ada 66.
الصفحة 470 - GW t 1989a) Allan Hills 84025: the second brachinite. far more differentiated than Brachina. and an ultramafic achondrite clast from L chondrite Yamato 75097. Proc.