The Chemical Evolution of the Atmosphere and OceansPrinceton University Press, 21/07/1984 - 582 من الصفحات In this first full-scale attempt to reconstruct the chemical evolution of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, Heinrich Holland assembles data from a wide spectrum of fields to trace the history of the ocean-atmosphere system. A pioneer in an increasingly important area of scholarship, he presents a comprehensive treatment of knowledge on this subject, provides an extensive bibliography, and outlines problems and approaches for further research. |
Inputs to the Earliest Atmosphere | 13 |
Release and Recycling of Volatiles during Earth History | 48 |
The Chemistry of the Earliest Atmosphere and Oceans | 73 |
The AcidBase Balance of the AtmosphereOceanCrust System | 112 |
Carbonates Clays and Exchange Reactions | 176 |
Oxygen in the Precambrian Atmosphere Evidence from Terrestrial Environments | 261 |
Oxygen in the Precambrian Atmosphere Evidence from Marine Environments | 321 |
The Composition of the Atmosphere and Oceans during the Phanerozoic Eon | 425 |
Author Index | 537 |