NINETY-FIFTH DIVISION (NATIONAL ARMY) Organization of the 95th Division was begun at Camp Sherman, Ohio in September, 1918. The artillery brigade and the ammunition train were directed to be organized at Camp Taylor, Kentucky. The organization of the headquarters of all units of the division at Camp Sherman was completed, and equipment as far as obtainable was furnished. Orders for the demobilization of the division were received during the first week in December. 1918. Brig.-Gen. M. C. Smith commanded the division. NINETY-SIXTH DIVISION (NATIONAL ARMY) Organized at Camp Wadsworth, S. C., about the middle of September, The following units were organized at Camp Wadsworth: Div. Hqs., 96th Div. Hqs. Troop, 361st Machine Gun Bn., 192d Inf. Brig. Hqs., (383d and 384th Inf., 363d Machine Gun Bn.), 321st Sanitary Train. The other Infantry Brigade (191st), including the machine gun battalion was to be organized in France from pioneer infantry regiments. The 171st Field Artillery Brigade was assigned to this division and was organized at Camp Kearny, California. The brigade never actually joined the division at Camp Wadsworth. This division was not completely organized and at the time of the signing of the armistice the strength of the entire division was slightly under 3,000 men. Maj.-Gen. Guy Carleton was the commanding general of the division. NINETY-SEVENTH DIVISION (NATIONAL ARMY) Organized at Camp Cody, Deming, New Mexico. The division was composed of National Army drafts mainly from Oklahoma and Minnesota. These drafts constituted the personnel of the following units which were organized at Camp Cody: Div. Hqs., 387th and 388th Inf., 622d Fld. Sig. Bn., 366th Machine Gun Bn., 322d Hqs. Train and M. P., 322d Sanitary Train, 322d Supply Train. The 172d Field Artillery Brigade consisting of the 61st, 62d and 63d Field Artillery Regiments, 21st Trench Mortar Battery and 322d Ammunition Train was organized at Camp Jackson, South Carolina, under the command of Brig.-Gen. Dennis H. Currie. The nucleus of the 322d Engr. Regt. and Train was formed at Camp Humphrey, Va., but never joined the division. The 193d Infantry Brigade less 365th Machine Gun Battalion and the machine gun companies of the infantry regiment were to be organized in France. On Nov. 20, 1918, the War Department directed that the division be demobilized. The strength of the division at the time demobilization was commenced was 402 officers and 7,889 men. Col. C. A. Martin, Inf., commanded the division from Sept. 26, 1918, to Oct. 19, 1918. Brig.-Gen. James R. Lindsay was then placed in command of the division and remained in command until demobilization. CHRONOLOGY OF THE AMERICAN OPERATIONS IN FRANCE TH HE following chronology of the major operations of the American Expeditionary Forces in France from April 28th to November 11, 1918, was prepared by General Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, and was included in his report to the Secretary of War: April 28-29, 1918-A sector in the vicinity of Breteuil, northwest of Montdidier, was occupied by the 1st Division. May 28-Cantigny was captured by the 1st Division. A detachment of our troops, reinforced by French artillery, successfully attacked the enemy on a front of about 2,220 yards. We occupied Cantigny, captured some two hundred prisoners, and inflicted severe losses on the enemy. June 10-The 2d Division attacked in Bois de Belleau, advancing the line nine hundred yards on a front of one and one-half miles, capturing three hundred prisoners, thirty machine guns, four trench mortars, and stores of small arms, ammunition, and equipment. Held all of Hill 204 down to the village on the northeast slope, thus preventing the enemy from concentrating his forces in the northern part of Château-Thierry. June 11-The 2d Division continued its advance in the Bois de Belleau, capturing more prisoners and machine guns and two 77-millimeter fieldpieces. Our aviators executed their first bombing raid, dropping numerous bombs on the railway station at Dommary-Baroncourt, northwest of Metz. All of our planes returned in safety. The artillery of the 2d Division shelled the enemy in their areas, preventing concentration near Torcy, Monthiers, Hill 128, and La Gonetrie farm. It discovered and dispersed a group of 210 machine guns in the wood south of Etrepilly. The 2d Division captured the last of the German positions in the Bois de Belleau, taking fifty prisoners, machine guns, and trench mortars. July 18-French and American troops advanced under the cover of a heavy storm on the front between Soissons and Château-Thierry. The greatest advance was in the northern part of the sector, where a depth of five miles was attained, and we reached the heights southwest of Soissons, dominating the railroad and highways. July 24-The advance of the Franco-American forces continued, and in the evening the line ran east of Buzancy to Tigny, to Hartennes, Grand Rozoy, Ouichy-le-Château, Armentières, Coincy, Courpoil, and then joined the old line at Jaulgonne. West of Rheims Marfaux was retaken and the line ran from Aubilly, through Mézy, and joined the old line at Coulommes. July 25-The line ran from the Ourcq to the Marne, where the allied troops advanced six kilometers in the center and three to four kilometers on the flanks. The line in the evening ran from Armentières to Bruyères, the eastern edge of the Bois de la Tourmelle, the eastern edge of Beuvardes, the eastern edge of le Charnel, the cross roads at Gros Chene, la Boulangére, the northern edge of Treloup, Chassins. July 26-The line ran: Nanteuil, Notre Dames, Hill 123, Hill 118, la Misére, Hill 100, southwestern part of Bois de la Tournelle, Hill 111, le Charnel. Hard fighting continued all day and the French and Americans steadily advanced on Fére. July 27-The 42d Division tried to cross the Ourcq, but was driven back by heavy artillery fire. July 28-The 42d Division renewed the assault, crossed the river, and after vigorous fighting took Seringes-et-Nesles, Nesles, and Sergy. The 28th Division held the line about one kilometer north of the Ourcq. During the day slow progress was made, the enemy slowly falling back after bitter rear-guard action. July 29-Franco-American troops advanced three kilometers from Ouichy to Villers Agron and Bougneux, Saponay, Seringes, Nesles, and Cierges, were included within our lines. July 30-Our pressure continued on the right bank of the Ourcq. The railroad station at Fére and Cayenne farm remained in our possession. We lost Seringes-et-Nesles but reoccupied Sergy, Hill 312, and the woods eight kilometers north of Ronchères. July 31-The 28th Division retook Seringes-et-Nesles. The 32d Division attacked in Crompettes Woods with success; the woods were taken, and troops advanced to Cierges. German counter-attacks were brilliantly repulsed with the bayonet, and an immense amount of material and equipment was taken from the enemy. August 3-After continuous fighting late in the evening Soissons was taken, and a line extending along the Vesle to between Braisne and Bazoches was being consolidated. South of the Aisne our troops drove back the enemy rear guard. Acting with the 4th Division, the 32d Division reached a line from Ville Savoye to a point just north of St. Gilles. August 4-A large enemy patrol attacked in the vicinity of Coulee but was driven off by a combat group of the 5th Division, which had been reinforced. Our troops were very active in patrolling, having sent out over seven reconnaissance, combat, and ambush patrols. The 32d Division took Fismes. In an eight-day battle this division forced the passage of the Ourcq, took prisoners from six enemy divisions, met, routed, and decimated a crack division of the Prussian Guards, a Bavarian division, and one other enemy division, and drove the enemy line back for sixteen kilometers. August 6-The 28th Division launched an attack the objective of which was the north bank of the Vesle. The attack was met by exceedingly heavy machine-gun and artillery fire. On the right our troops succeeded in crossing the river and advancing to the highway which runs from Rheims to Soissons. On the left the advance was held up by the enemy's fire. August 7--The units on the left advanced across the river and occupied the railroad lines on the north bank. The casualties resulting from this operation were considerable. A violent enemy counter-attack was completely repulsed, and a number of prisoners and machine guns were left in our hands. August 8-As a result of successful operations on the evening of August 8th, eleven companies of infantry and some machine-gun detachments of the 28th Division reached the north bank of the Vesle. August 10-The 28th Division launched an attack in Fismette. A creeping barrage moved ahead of them. They made some progress, but were soon exposed to flanking fire from both the east and the west and were forced to fall back into Fismette. The position here was very difficult. Flanking machine-gun fire came from both sides and heavy casualties were reported. A box barrage was placed around the town and ammunition was sent up. The town was held by one battalion, with one machine-gun platoon, which received orders to hold the position at all cost. August 17-After strong artillery preparation the infantry of the 5th Division captured the village of Frapelle and consolidated the lines north of the road running into the town from the southeast. August 19-The enemy continued shelling Frapelle positions and the artillery of the 5th Division replied actively. August 21-The 5th Division repulsed hostile attack with heavy loss to the enemy and with no casualties to ourselves. The 32d Division acting with the Tenth French Army advanced to and held Juvigny. The 77th Division cleared the small wood between the Vesle and the railroad west of Château du Diable. September 3-During the five days prior to September 3d the 32d Division made daily advances against the enemy, gaining six kilometers through very difficult terrain and against violent opposition. It captured eleven officers and nine hundred and twenty enlisted men. A large amount of guns and munitions were captured. A patrol of the 77th Division penetrated to Bazoches. September 5-French and American units advanced in the Oise-Rheims area as far as Condé. Strong patrols of the 77th Division were pushed forward north of the Vesle and were encountered by machine-gun resistance. Our casualties were slight. The 28th Division crossed the Vesle in force and pursued the enemy to the north. September 6-The artillery of the 28th Division directed barassing and destructive fire on the Aisne bridges, while the enemy harassed the villages in our rear areas, using a great number of gas shells. September 7-The 28th Division repulsed two enemy counter-attacks. The 77th Division drove the enemy out of La Cendiere Farm and passed the Aisne Canal. September 12-After four hours' bombardment our troops advanced on the south and west flanks of the St. Mihiel salient at 5 A. M. By 7.30 A. M. the forces operating on the south had reached the southern edge of the Bois Juli, the Quart de Réserve, and the northern edge of the Bois de Mort Mare. By noon they had reached Essey and Vieville and the army operating in the difficult ground in the west had captured Les Eparges. At 6 P. M. the troops had reached a point one kilometer east of Senzey and had taken St. Remy and Combres. During the night the troops on the western flank of the salient advanced five miles in five hours, reaching Vigneulles by 3 A. M. September 14-There was general advance along the entire line, and the American army established itself on the following front: Manheulles, Fresnes, Pintheville, St. Hilaire, Doncourt, northeast of Woel, south end of the Etang de Lachaussée, Vandieres, and across the Moselle at Champey. September 17-American troops advanced along the Moselle within three hundred yards of Paguy. September 18-The 26th Division made two raids during the night. One against St. Hilaire was without result, as the enemy had retired; the other against the Bois de Warville resulted in the capture of fifteen prisoners. September 19-The 92d Division repulsed an attempted enemy raid in the St. Die sector. September 20-The 92d Division repulsed two enemy raids in the region of Lesseux. September 26-The 1st Army attacked northwest of Verdun on a front of twenty miles and penetrated to an average depth of seven miles. September 27-The 107th Regiment of the 27th Division attacked east of Bellicourt and attained its objectives. September 29-In the Argonne, the Americans met with furious resistance. Their losses were heavy, and they were unable to do more than hold their own. September 30-The 27th and the 30th Divisions took prisoners north of St. Quentin totaling 210 officers and more than twelve hundred men. October 1-The 28th Division repulsed a hostile counter-attack on the entire divisional front in the Aire Valley, with very heavy losses to the enemy. October 3-The 2d Division, operating with the Fourth French Army, made an advance of two kilometers, reaching Medéah farm in the afternoon. In the evening the 2d Division advanced about three kilometers, and their line ran from Medéah farm southwest along the road to Blanc Mont. They captured one thousand prisoners, and casualties were estimated at five hundred. October 4-The 1st Division attacked on both sides of Exermont, and made progress in spite of strong opposition from the enemy, who resisted with machine guns in organized opposition. Approximately three hundred prisoners were taken, and our casualties were fifteen hundred. October 5-The 1st Division captured Ariétal farm, and the line was advance four hundred yards beyond. The 6th Division repulsed a large enemy raid on Sondernach. October 7-A brigade of the 82d Division advanced seven kilometers, occupying Hill 223, north of Chatel Chéhéry; forty-six prisoners were captured, including one officer. Our casualties were light. Later the enemy counter-attacked and reoccupied Hill 223, north of Chatel Chéhéry. October 8-The 59th Brigade of the 30th Division attacked, at 5 A. M., over a front of five thousand yards, gained all first objectives by 9 A. M., and second objectives by noon. Fifty officers, fifteen hundred men, and four 101-millimeter guns were taken. October 8-9-The 2d Corps advanced about seven miles on a front of four thousand yards and captured about two thousand prisoners and thirty guns. October 9-In spite of strong resistance the 1st Division advanced in the sector east of Fléville and captured two hundred and thirty prisoners. The 33d Division, operating with the 17th French Army Corps, attacked early in the morning north of Consenvoye and reached its final objective about 9 a. M. About six hundred and fifty prisoners were taken. October 10-The 1st Corps reached Cornay-La-Besogne Ridge and passed Malassise farm, east of Grand Ham. The 60th Brigade of the 30th Division advanced six kilometers, reaching the Selle river, and held the St. Benin-St. Souplet-la Haie-Menneresse line. Up to the evening of the 9th, fifty officers, eighteen hundred men, and thirty-two guns were captured. October 12-The 4th Division repulsed two counter-attacks by machine-gun fire, with severe loss to the enemy. October 13-An attack on Grandpré this morning met very heavy machine-gun fire, and troops of the 2d Corps were finally forced to retire south of the Aire. A hostile counter-. attack at 8 P. M. south of Landres-et-St. Georges was repulsed. The 81st Division repulsed an enemy raid in St. Die sector. The 77th Division took Grandpré. October 17-The 29th Division advanced to the summit of Bois de la Grand Montagne, east of the Meuse. The 42d Division took Côte de Châtillon. The 2d Battalion of the 76th Division reached the northern edge of Bois des Loges, west of Champigneulle. In an attack on a 4,000-yard front from St. Souplet to Molain our troops advanced three thousond yards against very stiff resistance. All counter-attacks repulsed. Prisoners taken were estimated at twenty-five hundred. October 19-The 30th Division attacked with the British'at dawn and advanced two thousand yards. Prisoners captured since the morning of the 17th totaled forty-four officers and over fifteen hundred men. The 78th Division pushed their lines forward to Bellejoyeuse farm and began to mop up the Bois des Loges. October 21-In attacks on the Bois des Rappes the 5th Division met with stubborn resistance by machine guns, supported by artillery and infantry fire. It captured the entire position with one hundred and seventy prisoners, including five officers, An enemy counter-attack, supported by heavy artillery fire, was repulsed with heavy losses. The 5th and 3d Divisions took Hill 297 and Bois des Rappes. Attacking in the evening, the 89th Division occupied the northern and eastern edge of the Bois de Bantheville. October 23-Troops of the 3d Corps reached the ridge north of the village of Bantheville, taking 171 prisoners. The 29th Division captured the ridge of Bois d'Etrayes and Hill 361. October 27-The 78th Division entered Bellejoyeuse farm, northeast of Grandpré, and found it unoccupied. The occupation of the right of way north and northwest of Grandpre was completed. October 30-On October 30th patrols were active along the entire front of the 28th Division. The 33d Division, in the face of heavy artillery and machine-gun fire, north of Grandprê, advanced its lines and occupied the Bellejoyeuse farm. On October 30th, two thousand high explosive and gun shells fell in the vicinity of Fresnes. One of the divisional patrols captured five prisoners. November 1-The troops of the 1st Army captured Clery-le-Grand. North of Ancreville they took fifty-three additional prisoners and continued their advance into the Bois des Bantheville. During the night of November 1st-2d the troops of the 37th Division consolidated their positions and effected a crossing of the River Scheldt, confronted by enemy machine-gun and rifle fire. The 91st Division, supported by artillery and machine-gun fire, rapidly advanced over six kilometers in spite of enemy artillery and machine-gun fire. The enemy was driven from the west bank of the Scheldt and at noon the heights northwest of Audenarde were taken. November 2-On the evening of November 2d the troops of the 78th Division drove the enemy from the Bois des Loges and closely followed his retreat. The 92d Division, in spite of machine-gun resistance, pushed forward and advanced the line three kilometers. November 3-The 91st Division, in spite of active machine-gun resistance, forced their way towards the bank of the Scheldt in the vicinity of Eyne. November 4-On November 4th a brigade of the 79th Division attacked an enemy sector, taking eighty-one prisoners and eight machine guns, encountering strong resistance and repulsing several counter-attacks. November 5-On November 5th the troops of the 77th Division engaged in severe fighting, overcame strong enemy resistance along the entire line. The artillery was active, firing on the enemy's retreating columns. Harassing artillery fire was returned by the enemy. Aviation was active on both sides. The enemy flew over our front lines and delivered machine-gun fire on our advancing troops. Two enemy planes were brought down. November 6-Our troops of the 1st Corps continued their successful advance, forcing the enemy to retire. The towns of Flabas, Raucourt, Haraucourt, and Autrecourt were taken, and patrols pushed on as far as the Meuse. Large quantities of material were captured during the advance. Following heavy bombardment on the enemy's divisions the troops of the 5th Division attacked, rapidly overcoming the enemy's resistance, capturing Lion-devant-Dun, Murvaux, Fontaine, and Vilosnes-sur-Meuse, taking more than two hundred and fifty prisoners. November 7-The troops of the 2d Division cleared the west bank of the Meuse of the remaining machine guns and snipers in the vicinity of Mouzon. The 5th Division, supported by artillery fire, continued their advance despite the enemy's continued resistance, principally with machine guns. Most of the artillery crossed to the east bank of the |